Support the Restoration of the vault of the Chamber of Cupid and Psyche
We restore it with
The Chamber of Cupid and Psyche is the most sumptuous room in Palazzo Te, notable for the richness and quality of its decorations. Created by Giulio Romano in the 16th century, it is a masterpiece of Italian Mannerism. The room derives its name from the fable of Cupid and Psyche, as narrated in Apuleius’ “Metamorphosis”. The tale appears in a non-linear manner across the vault and lunettes, culminating in the central panel in the ceiling, where Jupiter unites Psyche and Cupid in matrimony.
The last conservative restoration work on the ceiling of the Chamber of Cupid and Psyche took place in the early 1990s. Currently, the painted surfaces, decorated wooden surfaces and stuccoes exhibit signs of natural degradation due to the use of the room and the passage of time. Accordingly, the Fondazione has embarked on an important and complex artistic conservation project aimed at safeguarding and restoring the original beauty of the pictorial decorations.
The restoration work will primarily focus on the intricate structure of the wooden ceiling, the paint film, and the gilding. Restoring the ceiling will not only revitalise one of Giulio Romano’s most significant works but will also serve as an essential opportunity for study and research within the field.
This endeavour will deepen the understanding of Renaissance painting techniques and foster new methodologies for the conservation of the cultural heritage.
As a result of this work, visitors to Palazzo Te will continue to marvel at the stunning decorations that tell the love story between Cupid and Psyche as envisioned by the creative genius of Giulio Romano.
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