Privacy Policy

PRIVACY NOTICE pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation 2016/679/EU


Data Controller

Fondazione Palazzo Te, located at Viale Te no. 19, 46100 – Mantova, VAT number: 01594270207, email: PEC (certified e-mail):, hereby informs you that your personal data will be processed with fairness, lawfulness, transparency, and respect for your privacy and rights. Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the legal provisions and confidentiality obligations.

Purposes and Legal Basis of Processing

We collect personal data for contractual obligations and the following purposes:

  • Donations to support Palazzo Te projects;
  • External payment management through platforms like Paypal;
  • Marketing activities and newsletters with prior consent.

We also process data for administrative-accounting obligations as required by law and regulations, and EU legislation.

Categories of Data Processed

We process common personal data, contact information, and payment details provided by you. Additionally, data related to internet communication protocols may be processed (for example, access to the page, amount of data transferred, status message on accesses, session ID numbers, IP addresses, URL addresses, etc.).

Nature of Providing Personal Data

Providing data for purchasing tickets is necessary. Providing data for marketing purposes is optional, but refusal means you will not receive newsletters.

Methods of Processing and Communication to Third Parties

We use computer and/or telematic tools for data processing, with strict organisational methods. Third parties involved in our organisation (such as personnel management staff, commercial area staff, system administrators, etc.) or external subjects (such as IT companies, service providers, hosting providers, etc.) may have access to personal data as required for their roles. They are bound by confidentiality agreements.


Your personal data will not be disclosed to any unauthorised parties.

Transfer of data outside the EU

Data will not be transferred outside the European Union.

Retention Period of Personal Data

Data collected will be retained during the contract and up to 10 years after termination, as required by law. In case of legal disputes, data will be retained until the end of the dispute.

Rights of the Data Subject

You have the right to request access to, erasure, updating, rectification, and integration of your personal data. You can also exercise all rights provided in the Regulations. Complaints can be lodged with the supervisory authority in Rome, Piazza Venezia 11.
